Reflected resilience, Karijini

400 x 510mm
Medium Oil on Linen

(List price $1600)

Available from the Lawley Art Auction on June 15th 2024

Oil on linen study by Jane Coffey inspired by the layered rocks and reflection found in Kalamina Gorge in Karijini National Park.

This painting belongs to a series of works inspired by Karijini National Park where Jane spent several weeks painting on location. She was drawn to the fascinating rock formations and reflections in the water, but also the ability of the trees to grow in fine crevices which displays the resilience of plants that grow in this region.

Jane is inspired by the biodiverse landscapes found throughout WA. Jane enjoys painting with oil on linen, preferring the natural slub found in woven linen that lends itself to painting natural environments and the rich depth of colour found in oil mediums, perfect for representing the strong light found in WA.

Karijini NP is the traditional home of the Banyjima, Kurrama and Innawonga Aboriginal people.