Kalamina pool, Karijini

505 x 765mm
Medium Oil on Linen


Oil on linen painting by Jane Coffey inspired by the changing light and reflections of Kalamina Pool in Karijini National Park 2023. Currently available to view at Future Shelter Gallery & Store.

When walking in Karijini National Park you find yourself patiently wondering what view will be around the next corner, watching the view unfold with every step. One of my favourite gorges was Kalamina due to the reflective pools and flat rocks that act as an almost mediative pathway through the gorge. This painting explored creating many layers of blended colours inspired by complex, moving reflections from the water. It is more about the experience of place, rather than a visual replication.

Karijini NP is the traditional home of the Banyjima, Kurrama and Innawonga Aboriginal people.